[Indo] I just cauld type and read English

作者: will1118 (毛) 看板: nota
標題: [Indo] I just cauld type and read English
時間: Sat Jul 21 12:56:38 2007

I still can write something about this tourism in English. It is

fresh to me XD.

When I got the India last night, I felt thristy. Maybe it is

because the continent climat. I wanted to drink water, but I was

afraid of drink water there. Later they gave us buttle water, then

I was not thirsty anymore.

rejoice, everyone XD.

※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
swl766:Good luck, and enjoy your indian life!!Ha Ha          推 07/21 13:23
paulchao:if you borrow the notebook of New Economy (shin lun 推 07/21 16:22
paulchao:), you can write in Chinese.                        推 07/21 16:23
paulchao:So..., are you live in indian saints' house ? or    推 07/21 16:24
paulchao:live in hotel?                                      推 07/21 16:25
will1118:live in hotel XD.                               推 07/22 11:15
moussorgsky:你要多加強英文阿......有很多錯字與錯的用法說...  推 07/23 05:28
moussorgsky:正直也是 =.= 要用stay,不是用live,而且你的文法  推 07/23 05:42
moussorgsky:也錯了......                                     推 07/23 05:44


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