Update High and Full Coastline in GMT 4.5.2 on Ubuntu 10.10

If you install GMT on Ubuntu, I trust you will use “Synaptic Package Manager”.
There are many gmt packages that you can choose, but there is only “gmt-coast-low” package
without “gmt-coast-high” and “gmt-coast-full” package. It is disappointing.
However, you can install them with this package too! (manually) XD

It is say in its “Property Description” that High and Full Coastline is too big to be
contained in regular package so that you have to install them with the script contained:

This package contains the crude, low and intermediate resolution coastlines
contained in the GMT distribution which will be enough to get you started.
Originally there were two more coastline packages (gmt-coast-high and -full)
but they were to big for our servers and pulled from the distribution.

Read /usr/share/doc/gmt-coast-low/README.Debian to learn how to get coastline
data on the net. Otherwise you will not be able to create high quality
maps with gmt.

It mentions that there are a script can help us to gain another two packages, and
it is


you can see it in “Property -> Installed File”.
繼續閱讀 Update High and Full Coastline in GMT 4.5.2 on Ubuntu 10.10

citation tree – visualize paper with its reference and citation


利用一篇的reference 和 citation 畫出牠的根和枝子,就成了一棵知識樹。本來希望它可以長這樣子的:

找到了Academic citations in a visual arrangement 的討論後,裡面討論了幾個網站:

  1. Gnod - 視覺化的音樂搜尋
  2. LivePlasma 這也是視覺化的音樂、電影、小說搜尋
  3. 後來路人提了 PaperCube 但不是很好用,領域有限,而且時間是從2004年開始。
  4. Citation Mapping 就還不錯,但是是付費的,但若是你的學校有購買Endnote的軟體,應該也會有,是Thomson Reuters 出品的。直接連結
    繼續閱讀 citation tree – visualize paper with its reference and citation

Antelope Workshop


ObsPy is an open-source project dedicated to provide a Python framework for processing seismological data.
http://obspy.org/ 有python 相關程式

我現在還在用 csh 和 awk ..



使用 AWK 撰寫 Recusive Program

AWK 中除了函數的參數列(Argument List)上的參數(Arguments)外,
所有變數不管於何處出現全被視為 Global variable. 其生命持續
至程式結束 — 該變數不論在function外或 function內皆可使用,
因 Recusive 函數內部的變數, 會因它呼叫子函數(本身)而重覆使用,
故撰寫該類函數時, 應特別留心.

例如 : 執行

awk '


x = 35

y = 45

test_variable( x )
printf("Return to main : arg1= %d, x= %d, y= %d, z= %d\n",
arg1, x, y, z)

function test_variable( arg1 )
arg1++ # arg1 為參數列上的參數, 是local variable. 離開此函數後將消失.

y ++ # 會改變主式中的變數 y

z = 55 # z 為該函數中新使用的變數, 主程式中變數 z 仍可被使用.
printf("Inside the function: arg1=%d,x=%d, y=%d, z=%d\n",arg1, x, y, z)
} '


Inside the function: arg1= 36,x= 35, y= 46, z= 55
Return to main : arg1= 0, x= 35, y= 46, z= 55

繼續閱讀 使用 AWK 撰寫 Recusive Program