Can’t open X-window in using gs or evince

PuTTY X11 proxy: wrong authorisation protocol attemptedPuTTY X11 proxy: wrong au TY X11 proxy: wrong authorisation protocol attemptedGPL Ghostscript 9.01: Cannot
**** Unable to open the initial device, quitting.
sfopen: gs_parse_file_name failed.
sfopen: gs_parse_file_name failed.
./base/gsicc_manage.c:709: gsicc_open_search(): Could not find lab.icc
| ./psi/zusparam.c:819: set_lab_icc(): cannot find default lab icc profile

xauth: error in locking authority file /home/will1118/.Xauthority

to fix it is delete the

rm ~/.Xauthority ~/.Xauthority-c ~/.Xauthority-l

and reconnect it again

evince can’t be open:

Failed to get bus connection: ....

to fixed it:

# cd /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions
# diff evince evince-orig
< /bin/dbus-daemon Uxr, # apparmor_parser -r -W -T /etc/apparmor.d/usr.bin.evince

by Can't start evince over SSH tunnel X session